30 October 2011

Something that we got a kick out of

There's no shortage of convenience stores or delis in NYC and very conveniently, there was one located just next to our hotel which made snack runs super easy. One thing that Roy and I got a little giggle out of was the fact that most stores - while buying a beverage of any type, put said beverage into a small, can/bottle-sized paper bag along with a straw for ease of drinking. While we were in DC, I did a quick google search to see what the rules for drinking in public were and saw a few forum posts from various sources saying that drinking in public in NYC had a few grey areas. The general consensus was that if the police couldn't see exactly you were drinking, then everything was okay - hence the paper bag (I'm guessing). Roy and I are pretty thrifty (some people call it stingy - I call it practical) when it comes to purchasing things and we tend to opt for the best value for money. Why go to an overpriced bar and buy overpriced drinks and have to yell at each other over the too-loud music when you could go to the convenience store, buy a beer for 50 cents and drink it in the park or hotel room where you can hear each other speaking and save money to spend on other things.

A small side note - while we were doing the "buy a beer from the store and drink it in the park" thing, we happened to spy a certain famous person kicking a soccer ball in the park opposite our hotel. Does "GET IN MY BELLY" or "Yeah baby, yeah" ring any bells? I didn't believe Roy when he told me that Mike Myers was hanging out in the park in the dark until we got a little closer - which spooked him a little bit. The actions I was doing, I can imagine, looked a little bit like taking photos and as he was picking up his belongings to move further away I wanted to yell out to him and say "No, I'm not taking photos.. I'm just trying to open my beer man". Not sure what would have scared him more to be honest.

Anyway, back to what I was talking about. Beer in a paper bag! I kind of just wanted to share a funny photo and I thought that I might share a little story with it too. Enjoy the photo!

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